The Nicole Skin Food Diet: Eat Your Way to Glowing Skin

Diet plays a pivotal role in skin health!

There are tons of diet trends out there, but I bet you have not heard of the “Nicole Skin Food Diet”! I like to think that I eat a fairly general balanced diet, but the one differentiator is that most of the foods that I eat are meant for gorgeous skin! Just like any body transformation is 70-90% diet (dependant on source of data), food plays a pivotal role in having radiant skin.

  1. Salmon

    Earning an elite spot in Victoria Bekham’s diet, there is a reason that she eats salmon every single day (please consult a doctor first though, as daily consumption could lead to risks such as high mercury levels). Salmon is rich in omega 3’s, which can help to regulate the skin’s oil production and improve the hydration levels of skin (addressing dry skin). It also calms inflammation, which helps to prevent deterioration of collagen and/or elasticity of the skin.

  2. Tuna

    What can I say, I’m a fish girl! Similar to salmon, tuna has omega 3’s — as well as Vitamin A and Vitamin B12. As someone who has experienced a B12 deficiency in the past, it is of utmost importance to get it through your diet in addition to any supplements or B12 shots. It contains selenium, which helps maintain the skin’s elasticity.

  3. Spinach

    Spinach is abundant in Vitamin C, which is necessary for collagen production. It is also full of antioxidants, which helps to remove any free radicals from your body (free radicals can contribute to premature aging). It has a good amount of iron and folate to give you gorgeous hair as well!

  4. Red Tomato Sauce

    Cooked tomatoes (or tomato sauce and/or paste) contain lycophene, which helps to reduce hyperpigmentation and prevent photoaging. You will get additional antioxidant and vitamin benefits from cooking tomatoes over eating raw tomatoes (though raw tomatoes are great for you too!).

  5. Sweet Potatoes & Japanese Yams

    Sweet potatoes are an amazing choice to integrate into your diet, as they are high in beta-carotene — which converts to Vitamin A (what’s used for retinol). Beta-carotene also contributes to a healthy glow in the skin, as it increases orange coloring (though don’t eat too many — or else you may develop carotenoderma).

    Japanese yams contain hyaluronic acid, which binds to water to help moisture retention and helps with skin repair. It also has high levels of Vitamin A and Vitamin C.

  6. Brown Rice

    Brown rice is high in fiber, which helps to maintain a healthy gut — essential for glowing skin. It contains B-vitamins and minerals, which help with cell renewal and collagen support. It has a high water content, which helps to increase hydration levels. It also contains phenolic compounds, which help to fight free radicals and premature aging.

  7. Olive Oil

    Olive oil contains healthy fats, which helps with moisture retention and hydration in the skin. It is also full of antioxidants, which fight free radicals and premature aging.

  8. Eggs

    Eggs contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which are antioxidants that contribute to the elasticity and suppleness of the skin. The high protein content helps with skin firmness. It is high in fatty acids, which also contributes to hydrating the epidermis (outer) layer of the skin.

  9. Oatmeal

    Oatmeal is high in amino acids, and contains beta-glucons which may lower inflammation, provide a protective barrier to the skin, and help skin conditions such as eczema.

  10. Mixed Bell Peppers

    Did you know that bell peppers contain more Vitamin C than an orange (about 3 times as much)? Vitamin C is essential for collagen production, and helps to maintain and improve the elasticity of the skin. They have a high percentage of water in them, helping to keep you and your skin hydrated. They are also high in beta carotene, which converts to Vitamin A (retinol).

  11. Cucumbers

    Most of us have seen countless movie scenes of cucumbers on the eyes during a spa treatment or facial, but what about the benefits of ingesting them? Cucumbers contain absorbic acid and caffeic acid, which helps reduce puffiness and helps repair the skin.

  12. Antioxidant Fruits: Strawberries, Rasberries, Bluberries, Blackberries, Pomegranate Seeds, and Cherries

    Strawberries contain salicylic acid, which helps to reduce hyperpigmentation. Blueberries, rasberries, blackberries, pomegranate seeds, and cherries contain anthocyanins, which fight free radicals and premature aging. Strawberries, rasberries, blackberries, and pomegranate seeds also contain ellagic acid, which aides in protecting the skin from harmful UV rays and fights inflammation (even cancer cells!).

  13. Matcha

    Matcha contains methylxanthines, which can help to boost blood circulation. It has significantly more antioxidants than other superfoods, which prevents free radical and cell damage. It also contains the EGCG catechin compound, which helps to lower oxidative stress and inflammation. L-theanine helps to calm the nervous system and balance hormones (lowering cortisol). I also love drinking jasmine green tea, which is also high in EGCG’s.

  14. Reverse Osmosis Water x Sakara Beauty Drops x Chlorophyll

    The chlorophyll is new to my 2024 regimen, but I can already feel a difference! There are some studies that show that reverse osmosis water helps to reduce acne by removing chlorine and any other harsh chemicals. The Sakara beauty drops contain ionic trace minerals, which supplements your body with remineralization as well as collagen and keratin support. Chlorophyll is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, and vitamin E which help to contribute to radiant skin. It also promotes the generation of red blood cells, increasing oxygenation to the skin.

  15. Tofu

    Tofu may be a controversial one, as some people preach to stay away from soy products — but there is a reason it has been a staple to the Japanese diet! It contains 9 amino acids, and its high protein levels can contribute to increased skin elasticity.

  16. Seaweed

    Seaweed is high in minerals, as well as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and phlorotannins — all helping to fight free radicals and premature aging. It is also great for oil regulation, especially for people who have acne-prone or oily skin such as myself.

  17. Kimchi

    Kimchi is a fermented probiotic, and packed with Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and antioxidants — which explains why it was a core part of Margot Robbie’s diet in preparation for Barbie. Fermented foods and probiotics contribute to gut health; a balanced gut is key to glowing skin.

  18. Greek/Probiotic Yogurt

    Another great probiotic — greek yogurt is full of B vitamins and contains more than double the amount of protein of normal yogurt.

  19. Miso Soup

    Miso increases ceramide levels, which contributes to a more hydrated and moisturized complexion. It has 18 amino acids including the 8 essential amino acids, which stimulates collagen production.

  20. Nuttzo (Contains Cashews, Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Flax Seeds, Chia Seeds, Hazelnuts, and Pumpkin Seeds)

    The main skin food stars of this delicious nut butter blend are brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds. Brazil nuts have very high levels of selenium, which decreases inflammation and is high in antioxidants. Pumpkin seeds are a great source of zinc, which helps to fight acne and stimulate collagen production.

  21. Oysters

    Whenever a restaurant offers oysters on their menu, I have to order them! Oysters are also high in zinc, and just 2 oysters reach the recommended daily amount.

  22. Dark Chocolate

    Keep in mind that you will want to choose dark chocolate with a high cacao percentage! It contains flavanols (an antioxidant) — which fights free radicals, increases blood flow in the skin, and protects against UV rays.

  23. Red Wine

    The standout antioxidant of red wine is resveratrol, which neutralizes free radicals (free radicals can cause aging to the skin). It is also said to increase blood flow, which helps with oxygenating skin cells.


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